CONVENTION 2024 17th to 20th of May
Our vision for the convention is a playful, creative and shared experience of workshops, various flow arts and fire dancing deep into the night.
- Start of the convention: Friday the 17th of May (12:00)
- End of the convention: Monday the 20th of May (13:00)
- Convention location: Luftfahrtmuseum Finowfurt
Over the months leading up to the convention we will add more and more details and information pages to the website.
To ensure you get a good idea what awaits you, and to reserve your tickets for Ostflimmern 2024 we’ve created an FAQ with all the essential details. Scroll down and read on!
We function as a community-driven convention, strictly non-profit in nature. That means it’s shaped and created by all participants, everybody contributes as much time and energy as they can or want, and everybody pays the same ticket price.
We’re very much looking forward to your ideas and energy, and you’re invited to join our preparation meetings to get involved in the organization.
If you haven’t read our core values we highly recommend to do so now, the text below assumes you’ve done so 🙂
Workshops & Tricksharing
What would a convention be without workshops?
Strain your brain with impossible movements, work your muscles into a sweat induced soreness and tune it all back with a relaxation workshop… Yeah!
Or maybe you prefer a herb-collecting-hike-through-the-forest, an advanced course of partner poi or an introduction to Qi Gong?
Whatever you fancy, we are looking forward to another colorful, diverse and simply awesome program from and for you. Because everything that’s offered on the convention comes directly from the community, that also means that we’re looking for YOU on the workshop schedule <3
Everybody is invited to both participate in, and organize workshops for your fellow convention participates. If you’re eager to share your knowledge you can apply for a workshop slot right here!
Open Stage
Do you want to show your mad skills to others, or do you already have an act set up that you would like to perform?
This year, for the first time ever, we are organizing an Open Stage at the Ostflimmern Convention, and would be happy if take part!
– Short act with or without fire (max. 5 min)
– No Pyro/Lyco/Charcoal/Fire spitting
– Due to equipment restrictions no aerial acts
If you are interested, send us an Email to
Which leads directly to the next topic, our firespace!
From the early dusk til deep in the night we will dance together with the flames and enjoy the music from our DJs and 4 point sound system. We have a large supply of oil, a professional dipping station, and tool stands for your equipment.
Of course we keep an eye on each other by taking over a safety shift, making sure our tools are in a good state, and taking a break from playing if you decide to make your chai Irish.
And if you are an absolute beginner, excellent! That means this convention is exactly the right one for you! You can try out various tools and techniques and learn a bunch of new things. For newcomers to the world of fire play we give a special first-burner workshop, and there will be a fire safety workshop for all participants.
The firespace is open for all skill levels every night, and is designed to have fun and dance with the flames until the first light shines through the trees again… flames away!
Music & DJs
Just like last year we will have a wide range of DJs and DJanes from our mids that will send you into another musical dimension once more.
What, you would like to show us that you can rock the firespace even harder? Let us know and we will try to plan you in.
And who knows, if you are up for it, we can find possibilities to do a live performance or organize a jam session yourself!
Healing & Massages
There will be a lovely healing space for recharging massages and revitalizing meditation session – more information will be added once it comes available!
We’re doing our very best to offer a sauna this year – more information will be added once it comes available!
Shops & Fleamarket
As the convention is strictly non-profit we have decided not to invite official shops and create a big market place.
However, with the thought of letting nothing go to waste in mind, we will offer the possibility to set up a flow-fleamarket where you can sell tools or other flow related things that are looking for a new owner and new life.
Food and catering
Just as everybody is invited to join in and participate, it’s equally important to remember that we’re counting on the self-reliance of our guests. In order to keep the costs as low as possible we’ve opted not to provide food on the convention ourselves.
Bring with you what you’ll need for the 4 days of flow & fire, or connect with your neighbors and drive to the shop if you run out of your favorite snacks. Additionally, during the day the kiosk at the Airport Museum is open, they sell things like ice-cream, fries, etc.
Drinks & Water
There is a connection with well water on the premises. The water has been tested, but is not approved as drinking water for small children.
So bring drinking water and any other drinks with you if necessary – we will not be selling drinks ourselves. The aforementioned kiosk will sell some beverages as well.
Communal dining
We have a communal dining area where you can set up your barbecue and cooking utensils. It is important to us that people can enjoy cooking for themselves, but also, if they feel like it, cook and eat together.
As we want to avoid the chance of a large-scale fire in the dry summer months, we would be very happy if people could chop, cook and snack at the central location designed for this purpose.
There is a washing-up line, tables, possibly an sun-canopy and a shelf with compartments to store your cooking utensils so that you don’t always have to carry them back and forth.
There is plenty of woodland and meadow, as well as paved areas for tents and camping vehicles.
You can have a look at our pictures from the mini test con we at the location did in 2022, and the pictures from the first Convention we did in Finowfurt in 2023.
Sanitary facilities
There are free toilets and warm water showers on the premises (which we have to keep clean ourselves).
Power connection
Unfortunately, there is no electricity available for motorhomes.
We know mans best friends are awesome, but a fire convention is probably not the best and most comfortable place for them…
So, we can only allow them in absolute emergency cases, which must be discussed with us beforehand.
They are not allowed to roam the convention grounds alone, and at night they must be well lit and always on a leash (this also goes for your neighbors bush cat, you uncles guide monkey or your favorite jackass).
We have reached the maximum number of assistance dogs, so unfortunately we cannot allow any more on the convention!
Arrival period
The entrance is manned on Friday the 17th of May, from 12:00 until 20:00.
If you arrive outside this time window, you can call the entrance to receive your wristband and be admitted.
Trashbags will be provided to all participants.
Monday the 20th of May, until 13:00
Make sure to take your trash with you when you leave so we can ensure to leave the convention cleaner than we found it.
Interested? Of course you're interested!
We hope we’ve sparked your imagination, and kindled your curiosity.
If you’re also looking forward to learn more about the con, and not miss any update, there’s only one thing left to do…